14 Weird Things That Americans Don't Realise About America

8. That The Water Levels In Your Toilets Are Incredibly High

Psycho Toilet1 Yes, you have probably noticed that a lot of the entries on this list pertain to the misjudged design of American toilet systems. So to add another to the mix... what's with the high water level in the toilet bowls themselves, guys? It's almost like you want to be splashed with a combination of urine water and poop. Is that what you want? Seriously, because that's what's going to happen. There's just nowhere near enough "space."

7. That Reciting The Pledge Of Allegiance All The Time Is A Bit Weird

Patriotic or traditional or whatever, it just is, okay?

6. That Oklahoma's State Vegetable Is A Watermelon

Watermelon? What's wrong with that, then? Think about it for a second. Got it? Yep.

5. That The Sheer Amount Of Billboards Is Staggering

So much to look at. So little of actual worth.
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Sam Hill is an ardent cinephile and has been writing about film professionally since 2008. He harbours a particular fondness for western and sci-fi movies.