15 Amazing Websites You Didn't Know Existed

2. This Is Not Tom

John Green is a very busy man. When he isn't making young adults (and adult adults, ahem) cry with his teen weepies like The Fault In Our Stars, which was recently adapted into a blockbuster movie, he's lording it over his own particular corner of the internet where he and his fans call themselves Nerdfighters. What initially began as a vlogging channel that was nothing more than an excuse for John and his brother Hank - who don't live anywhere near each other and rarely got to hang out - to reconnect blossomed into a whole online community based around John's books and the brothers' videos, record label, and other online junk. One such piece of online junk was the mysterious thisisnottom.com, said to be a riddle website made by a nerdfighter. Over time it became clear that this site, which was happened upon by a member of the community, was actually the work of Green himself. The author himself copped to being behind it and that it was "unfinished (it will be finished eventually, I hope). TINT is free and available to the public, but the only way to read the story is to solve the riddles, which unfortunately is basically impossible without crowdsourcing." The website, which you're unlikely to come across unless you count yourself amongst the few, the proud, the nerdfightery, is kinda like Notpron - only 100 times more frustrating. Where that site is an annoying bundle of lateral thinking and semi-impossible puzzles, thisisnottom is a bunch of riddles made up by an author. Which means they're even more pretentious, labyrinthine, and impenetrable. Be prepared to waste many, many afternoons trying to figure it all out.
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Tom Baker is the Comics Editor at WhatCulture! He's heard all the Doctor Who jokes, but not many about Randall and Hopkirk. He also blogs at http://communibearsilostate.wordpress.com/