15 Awesome Names For Things You Never Knew Had Names

13. Tittle

Not to be confused with something that may need grawlix to censor it, a tittle can actually be found in the word €˜tittle€™: it refers to the superscript dot on the lowercase I or J. Like most words on this list, it is rarely used, its most prominent usage being in the Bible at Matthew 5:18:
For verily I say unto you, Till heaven and earth pass, one jot or one tittle shall in no wise pass from the law, till all be fulfilled.
Even then, it€™s used figuratively. Its lack of use may have something to do with the fact that, in English, as you dot all your €˜I€™s and have no diacritics, there€™s just not much use for it. For an example to the contrary, some Turkish languages include both dotted and undotted €˜I€™s representing different phonemes. In still other languages, the tittle is not even used on €˜I€™s to distinguish a plain €˜I€™ from one that has a diacritic, such as í.
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Canadian student. Spends probably an unhealthy amount of time enthusing over musicals, unpopular TV shows, and Harry Potter. Main life goal: to become fluent in Elvish.