15 Bizarre Jobs Working With Bugs And Beasts

13. Pet Psychic

Pet psychics say they connect with your animal's mind via telepathy to reveal their innermost thoughts and problems, which apparently run deeper than deciding whether to kill a bird or a mouse. Some claim they don€™t even need to be in the same room as your cat in order to know what he's thinking, staring at a photograph of him is enough to establish a connection. And this connection is said to be so strong that therapies such as reiki massage can be done at a distance as well. Which is fortunate because this is a bit of a specialist trade and finding enough custom in your own town may prove difficult. The most startling fact about this service is that the subject doesn't even need to be alive in order for the truly talented pet communicators to get through. Death is but a divide and animal psychics can seemingly cross it with ease. Oh, and if your pet is missing, guess who can strike up a telepathic conversation to find out where they are?
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Steph Johnson is a freelance writer living in the north, follow her on Twitter @Johnson77Steph