15 Bizarre Jobs Working With Bugs And Beasts

11. Snake Milker

Snakes such as vipers and cobras can kill you with their fangs but, perversely, the venom that drips from them can also cure you. Scientists use it when mixing antidotes for people who've been bitten and also to develop cures for illnesses including cancer, heart disease and diabetes. As a consequence, venom is in high demand. Unfortunately there's a supply problem which is partly caused by the need for it to be hand 'milked'. One method is to grab the snake at the back of the head so its fangs are exposed, then a membrane covered container is placed underneath the top of its jaw. As the snake bites down on the membrane the poison slowly falls into the pot below. In America, depending on the type of snake used, vials can sell for thousands of dollars and the average anti-venom treatment requires about 25 of them. The price is high because it's a laborious as well as risky process, at times it can take several sessions with numerous snakes just to get a couple of teaspoons of their wares.
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Steph Johnson is a freelance writer living in the north, follow her on Twitter @Johnson77Steph