15 Bizarre Jobs Working With Bugs And Beasts

9. Insect Wrangler

Dogs can be taught a fair few tricks and cats could definitely be taught more if they didn€™t think it was beneath them, but what about cockroaches? They can if there's an insect wrangler on hand. For a film called Race in the Sun, entomologist Steven Kutcher managed to somehow encourage a cockroach to crawl out of a shoe, walk up a bag of Cheetos then stroll onto a surfing magazine and stop dead on the picture of the board. All on cue. The directors' favourite bug coach has a cv boasting almost 100 film credits, including Arachnophobia and Jurassic Park. One of his other most notable stunts is making a wasp fly straight into an actors mouth. Kutcher, who is also a lecturer and environmental activist, has numerous ways of making his stars perform. Such as dabbing honey on a fly's feet and head if he needs a shot of it cleaning itself .
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Steph Johnson is a freelance writer living in the north, follow her on Twitter @Johnson77Steph