15 Canadian Stereotypes That Are Actually True

6. They Have Stronger Beer Than America

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2E064kb3UnU All Canadians seem to be proud of their drinking prowess, knowing full well that their beer is stronger than the €œwater€ that is commonly served south of the border and they are not afraid to express this sentiment publicly. Of course, Canadians will gloat in a friendly way and convince you that their beer is stronger and better by buying you one or offering you a free one. Canada really is a pretty great place to be thanks to the people, the beer, the hockey - and the snow eh? Tim Hicks seems to list off a fair few reasons why he thinks Canada is better than the States in the above song, and it's hard to argue that stronger beer isn't certainly something to be proud of.
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Thomas is currently a postgraduate student of literature at the University of St. Andrews. He enjoys music and golf in his spare time when he isn't writing. Tom completed his first novel in the summer of 2013 which was published at the start of this year. Next year he is going to be working as a teacher in Dubai, continuing his research, and writing as much as possible. Follow on Twitter @Tom_Andrews91