15 Canadian Stereotypes That Are Actually True

10. Canadians Can All Ice-Skate Well €“ Even If They Say They Can€™t

Never trust a Canadian who says he cannot skate: it must be in the school curriculum or something since they all seem to know their way around a rink or a frozen lake. They will, however, be really nice about this ability and will never make you feel like a foreigner for needing to take your time while they cruise past you backwards. This also goes both ways. Canadians, despite quite enjoying football, have just no idea of how good the standard is in the UK. Their stereotype of Brits is that they are all incredible at the beautiful game, and compared to Canadians, they actually kind of are. After all, when was the last time you heard of a Premier League club shelling out millions of pounds for the next big Canadian talent? Exactly.
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Thomas is currently a postgraduate student of literature at the University of St. Andrews. He enjoys music and golf in his spare time when he isn't writing. Tom completed his first novel in the summer of 2013 which was published at the start of this year. Next year he is going to be working as a teacher in Dubai, continuing his research, and writing as much as possible. Follow on Twitter @Tom_Andrews91