15 Insanely Terrible Advertising Campaigns You Won't Believe Are Real

1. Flora Ad Is Insanely Homophobic

Dr Pepper Ad

There are a number of ads here where you can understand what the company was going for, but they just missed the mark or didn't consider a dual meaning. With this Flora ad, though, there is literally no explanation other than the company legitimately hates gay people.

In 2013, the margarine brand Flora wanted to show that its product makes you healthy, so they came out with this insane advertisement. It depicts the words "Uhh dad, I'm gay" shaped like a bullet heading towards a heart made of china, accompanied by the tagline, "You need a strong heart today." Yes, they are actually implying that finding out your son is gay is the equivalent of being shot in the heart.

Flora claimed the ad came from an external agency and they didn't approve it, but it's kind of hard to believe that not a single personat the company was on top of this. The managing director of the advertising firm who designed the ad apologized for the "unintended offense it has regrettably caused." Unintended offense? How is it unintended if the homophobia is the only way the ad can be interpreted?

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