15 Little Frustrations Chronically Impatient People Will Understand
8. When A Waiter Repeatedly Approaches Your Table With Food That Is Not Yours
There are many aspects of the restaurant experience that take far too long, but the most aggravating is waiting for your food. The situation is only worsened when your waiter constantly comes your way, arms laden with the glorious promise of deliciousness, only to turn to another table at the last second, leaving you salivating and starving. Why is waiting so much harder when you're hungry? Why does the waiter need to bring the plates so close before cruelly taking them away? Why is your food taking longer to be ready than it took to build the pyramids? As your stomach grumbles, you feel your spirit break as your soul is replaced by the battling demons of hunger, ire, and impatience.
7. When Someone Speaks Really Really Ridiculously Slowly
Slow-talkers can corner you anywhere. You may think you're entering into a normal conversation, but no: once that person opens their mouth and begins to speak so slowly that you can feel yourself ageing as their words trickle out, you'll know a grave mistake has been made. You might be strong enough to withstand the first few back-and-forths of the discussion, but you'll quickly find yourself becoming restless, wanting to interrupt, finish your companion's thoughts for them, or simply slip away - anything to bring this never-ending chat to a close. Humans can cause all varieties of hindrances, but those who are incapable of speaking at a decent speed are especially heinous to their impatient compatriots.
6. When The People Walking In Front Of You Inexplicably Slow Down Or Stop Entirely
You're walking down the sidewalk, going about your business. You've had to dodge a few wayward pedestrians, but it has been a relatively hassle-free journey, and you're now strolling along happily. Well, sort of strolling, because the people ahead of you have suddenly slowed their pace to what could only be called a crawl. Oh, and now they've stopped completely. What on earth is going on? They don't really seem to be doing anything - well, other than acting as a dam against the flow of foot traffic. You're only one of the many passersby quickly piling up behind these inconsiderate beings, but you can't help but feel that this is a personal offence, meant specifically to test your ever-dwindling patience.