15 Fashion Mistakes Men Make (That Put All Women Off)

10. Crop Tops

Not actual crop tops like girls wear, but t-shirts that are so short from stretching over a huge belly that they turn into crop tops. Now, no one is judging you for your size, they're judging you for how you present yourself. If you're bigger than average, wear clothes that are going to best suited to you. If you wear a t-shirt that is a few sizes too small because you're in denial, it's being stretched over your stomach which is on display for the world to see. No woman is going to go out of her way to get you into bed. Wear something that is going to flatter you and then you'll get her attention in the way that you want - it isn't all about looks.
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Andy Samberg
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Lover of Tolkien's world, Harry Potter and baked goods. A camel once put his head on my shoulder and it was the best day ever. sara@whatculture.com