15 Most Bizarre Articles Hiding On Wikipedia

1. Deleted Articles With Freaky Titles

Wikipedia WTF

Now that you've seen all the weirdness that remains hosted on Wikipedia, just imagine the stuff that gets deleted. It really isn't that difficult to submit to the website, and so this directory of articles that have been removed is so perplexing that it's nearly impossible to look away.

Just a few of the standout entries include: An article that contains nothing but a full stop; An old dude who lives in Central America; Birth defects considered snazzy by the FDA; Bring your Pez dispenser to work day; Dying with your pants off; Famous watermelons; Homosexual necrophilia in the mallard duck; How to trick people into thinking you're a wizard; List of movie posters with lamps in them; Jellyfish who have stung notable people; Nude Hippo; People who don't have a Wikipedia page; and Category: Actors who have open-mouthed kissed their real-life siblings.

Obviously some items were just submitted by trolls, but there's a whole bunch where the person seemed to legitimately think they had a good idea worthy of an entry.

Someone was really excited about a page dedicated movie posters with lamps on them. It's completely useless and would be relevant to almost nobody, but then again, that statement applies to a great deal of Wikipedia.

What's the weirdest thing you've ever seen on Wikipedia? Let us know by leaving a comment.

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Lover of horror movies, liker of other things. Your favorite Friday the 13th says a lot about you as a person, and mine is Part IV: The Final Chapter.