15 Problems All New Vegetarians Have To Face

2. Wishing A Veggie Burger Didn't Have So Many Veggies In It

New Line Cinema

Despite the word 'vegetarian' basically meaning vegetables, that does not mean that you automatically love all vegetables. It also does not mean that all you want to eat all day everyday is broccoli. 

You order a veggie burger from a pub only to your disappointment there is too much green stuff in it. And it is hard to hide the fact that you're kinda jealous of your friend's juicy-looking cheesey-feast burger.   

Just because you don't want to eat animals, doesn't mean you want to eat like a rabbit. Vegetarians like a big of diversity too.

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I love music, especially the North-East local music scene. My obsession of unicorns is getting too much, my collection is growing out of control. I like animals so I don't eat them. Lover of all things vintage and ugly. Oh and i'm one of those ginger people. Twitter/Instagram @beccaBLC