15 Problems All New Vegetarians Have To Face

12. Teasing From Friends


Before now you were probably the meatiest of all meat-eaters. By now you're sick of hearing "What, why? You used to love a good burger." Yeah you did, until you learnt how it ended up in that bun.

"But it was already dead." "Dare you to eat a bit of my steak." "How can you not love BACON?!" "What would you do right now, if I told you those chips you're eating right now were cooked in animal fat...?"

You're just tired of being the butt of the joke: it's just so old now. Excuse you for wanting to save animal lives.

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I love music, especially the North-East local music scene. My obsession of unicorns is getting too much, my collection is growing out of control. I like animals so I don't eat them. Lover of all things vintage and ugly. Oh and i'm one of those ginger people. Twitter/Instagram @beccaBLC