15 Problems Only A Hypochondriac Would Understand

3. You Need Reassurance Every 27 Seconds

Telling ourselves is never enough. We need to hear from a world that isn't an illogical mess. We often need to tell others about our latest ailments so they can tell us it's probably just this or probably just that. Above all we need to be told we're fine. Unfortunately, this leads to the risk of becoming as irritating as a foghorn going off into your ear every ten seconds. But we need to hear words of encouragement as regularly as possible or we'll slip back to our old ways. So, if you're on the receiving end of a hypochondriac's confiding rant please try your best not to roll your eyes. You're important to us.

2. Anxiety -> Symptoms -> Hypochondria -> Anxiety -> Symptoms -> Hypochondria€

It's a never-ending cycle that goes round and round and round and round. You get anxious for a variety of different reasons, then you get symptoms from the anxiety, which then causes hypochondria, which then causes more anxiety, which then causes more symptoms, which then... You get the picture! How do you get out of it?! We're stuck in a universe of falling dominoes and this is why hypochondria is so easy to slip into, so difficult to get out of and so agonisingly loooooooong.

1. You Really Wish You Hadn't Googled Out Of Curiosity

Google-Good-Evil Having so much information at easy access to us isn't always a wonderful thing. Now when we're in pain we can just type in our symptoms on Google. Our eyes will blur over the common sense and focus only on the most terrifying 'facts' that tell us... surprise surprise... we definitely have cancer. Google will also bring up a number of medical pages confirming our so-called cancer diagnosis. Links to forums show us people posting their "...and then I found out it was something really bad!" stories. Well, now we're really terrified. Time to change our underwear? Yep!
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Freelance writer from the UK. Love comedy, bengal cats, theatre, television, being silly and music from a time long ago.