15 Problems Only People Living In Dubai Will Understand

7. Getting Trapped In A Mall

One of the most popular methods of getting out of the often intense Dubai heat for many residents is to take a break inside one of the many air conditioned malls. It's a good way to cool down and do a spot of shopping at the same time and waste some of that tax-free income. To say that some of the malls in Dubai are a little on the large side is clearly an understatement - Dubai boasts the world's largest mall, dwarfing anything you'd find in the US or UK and featuring over 600 retail outlets. All of which is great if you're a shopaholic (which is certainly the case for a fair few expats living in Dubai) but not so good if shopping really isn't your thing and you've been dragged along against your will. While the news report concerning the man who was lost in the mall for several months might not have been true, satire exists for a reason: spend a few hours in a Dubai mall and it can sometimes feel like you're trapped for eternity in a Kafka-esque corporate nightmare...
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