15 Problems Only People Living In Dubai Will Understand

4. The Ostentatious Displays Of Wealth

It only takes a short while after arriving in Dubai for the first time for one particular word to spring to mind: money! From the extravagant skyscrapers which twist and turn whilst illuminating everything around them in cool neon blues and reds to the abundance of European sports cars and American muscle cars, everything about the place screams abundant wealth. At first there's a great deal of novelty to be had from these displays of wealth, but over time seeing a Lambo here or a golden Bentley there becomes somewhat commonplace. On top of this, seeing as this is the playground of the rich there are plenty of people more than willing to show off their gadgets in a manner that is often boastful and occasionally gloating. It's hardly surprising that rich people are proud of their wealth and like to put it on display at every given opportunity, but after a while these ostentatious displays tend to come across as rather crass and unnecessary. We get it - you're loaded.
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