15 Problems Only Star Wars Fans Will Understand

2. Realising That You Actually Hate Star Wars And Everything About It

People who love Star Wars that little bit more than the rest of us seem to spend a disturbing amount of time critiquing and criticising the movies, mercilessly poring over the franchise to pick faults, root out conspiracies or just whinge about what the perma-smirking George Lucas is going to do next to their precious space-farce. Apparently he just hasn€™t been forgiven for making the movies before the whole story had been written. Admittedly, some of the continuity errors are appalling so this gives you, the uber-fan, plenty of cause to eviscerate anything about the franchise that doesn€™t align with what resides so comfortably in your own little galaxy far, far away. It can even be argued that the knives are out and at the ready for the Force Awakens should it not adhere to the sky high standards of the Star Wars fan community. Even the title was met with a muted response despite the excitement of the impressive trailers. All of the tinkering, the prequelling and the George Lucasing has turned you from the light to the dark. You hate all you profess to love. Your journey towards the Dark Side is complete. It was your destiny.

Chris James Peet says hello. His interests include hoping for the best and sitting in chairs. He much prefers moaning to counting his blessings and suffers fools gladly. He also likes to look out of the window and check what's in the fridge but he hates standing up, dripping taps and reality.