15 Problems Only Serious Arachnophobes Will Understand

Nature's reminder that you are, in fact, a little girl.

There's a special place in Hell reserved for the person who invented spiders. They've gone from a minor phobia, to the cause of people keep burning their houses down trying to kill them. It's pretty obvious they're the root of all evil.

A scientist recently discovered a "puppy-sized spider" in a rainforest in Guyana, which appeared throughout the media this month, resulting in him being subject to an influx of death threats. Death threats? Sure, the image of this Goliath bird-eater is enough to ruin anyone's day, but it's a bit extreme to shoot the messenger in such a way. Well, the reason he's actually receiving abuse is down to the fact he captured the creature, euthanised it, and took it to the Center for the Study of Biological Diversity to examine. Don't know about you, but one less puppy-sized spider in this world is not all that unfortunate. We're all for the preservation of life, but if that thing was coming our way; we'd reach for the flamethrower. This guy deserves a damn medal.

Apparently they€™re vital to our ecosystems, but we can€™t see why that cannot be disputed. You know, by like, nuking every spider species from orbit and seeing if we€™re all okay afterwards: pretty positive we will be. In the meantime, here are the absolute worst things about living in a world with eight-legged beasts.

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Human woman. Content Manager at What Culture. Lover of many "ologies", punk rock and cats. My god is Ilúvatar. Follow me on Twitter: @nina_cresswell