15 Seriously WTF Disney Moments
What. The. Fairy Godmother.
Disney movies are like a rite of passage: just as sure as you go to school, and learn to walk, you spend your formative films watching - and inevitably loving - Disney films. And inevitably you always had a favourite as a child. Hell, even as an adult, there is no guilt in snuggling up on the sofa with your most beloved Disney film, even if you don't have any children of your own to blame it on. But back in the days of innocence, there's a good chance that some of the messages hidden in the films remained entirely that. Weighty issues of morality and consequences and individual freedom sailed clean over young heads, imprinting on them fundamentally in a wholly positive way. Other things - like the apparently hidden penises and raunch - probably imprinted on you in an entirely different way. Inevitably, age and the loss of innocence would rediscover those outrageous adult elements and confusingly amoral contradictions when nostalgia pulled you back in. And it's only through the fog of age that it becomes very clear just how rude, misguided and un-magical some of your favourite scenes from Disney films actually are. And whilst this doesn't stop you from watching them - sort of like a beloved but disgraceful elderly relative - it does make you question what was going on in the heads of the creators...