15 Things All People Who Have Stayed In A Hostel Understand

8. The One Who Is Socially Awkward

Dirty Toilet

Part of the excitement of travel is you have no idea whose path you will be thrust into. The whole joy of hostels, usually, is in meeting new people. At least until that is not the case. There are always one or two people who travel that have got some serious issues.

From the angry to the psychotic, sharing any public spare with them is unnerving enough, but being locked away at night in a dorm room is even worse; especially if their sociopathic ranting bleeds over into their sleep talking too.

The worst part is, you always seem to be the one they want to befriend and talk to, and they just DO NOT understand that you want to be left alone.

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Paul has a deep and pervasive addiction to films. He writes and directs his own on occasion.