15 Things You Didn't Know About Halloween

9. The Church Started All Saints Day To Counter Halloween

Cross Of Christ The Roman Catholic Church created All Saints Day or €œHallowmas€ on November 1st to honor Saints and All Souls Day on November 2nd to honor and pray for the souls of the dead. These holidays were created by the church, in part to downplay the pagan holidays however in many areas it only got absorbed into the original Celtic holiday. These holidays still continue to this day, often celebrated alongside Halloween.

8. The Romans Are Responsible For Bobbing For Apples

Bobbing For Apples Halloween was heavily influenced by the Roman festival Pomona, which celebrated the harvest goddess of the same name. As Pomona was the goddess of fruit trees, garden, and orchards many Halloween customs and games that feature apples, nuts and dates -- such as bobbing for apples date from this ancient festival. At times Halloween was even called San-Apple Night and Nutcrack Night.

7. There's Actually A Medically Recognised Phobia Of Halloween

Scared Many people have fears that might appear as someone dressed up on Halloween night, however some people have a fear of the holiday itself. This fear is called Samhainophobia is estimated to have thousands of sufferers. Some become fearful that the line between this world and the next is about to come undone. Some at the fact someone might give a trick when they don€™t receive a treat. Whatever the reason, the condition has been around for a few hundred years and is named after the Celtic holiday.
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A reporter, videographer, designer and musician. I am involved in many projects in L.A.