15 Things More Interesting Than Kim Kardashian's Butt

1. The Rosetta Comet Landing

Hello, people! Last time we checked, nothing was broken. In fact, at the same time news of Kim Kardashian's butt erupted, scientists made history by landing a spacecraft on a speeding comet for the first time - meaning we'll be able to unlock further clues about the history of our own planet; and whether life really emerged here or was brought by comets like this one billions of years ago. The interest levels of each story, as analysed using Twitter's top tweets, proved that the comet landing (much to our relief) was more popular than KK's ass. Hurray! Faith in humanity restored.

Human woman. Content Manager at What Culture. Lover of many "ologies", punk rock and cats. My god is Ilúvatar. Follow me on Twitter: @nina_cresswell