15 Things You Miss About Being A Kid At Christmas

6. Full Stockings At The End Of Your Bed

Isn€™t this just the best feeling in the world? It€™s a knocking bet that the minute the lights go out on Christmas Eve, you instantly develop a spectacular case of insomnia. You spend hours tossing and turning; hot, flustered, annoyed. Over the course of the night you briefly fall asleep and wake up dozens of times, and each time you violently fling yourself to where your stocking is. Empty. Again and again and again. Then finally, you nod off and when you awake there€™s that strange Christmas morning stillness in the air. It€™s deathly silent; peaceful. You grope instinctively for your stocking and happen upon the touch of wool, the rustle of packages and that exhilarating mismatch of shapes of a filled stocking. It€™s full! The stocking is full! Suddenly you€™re wide awake, and you begin shivering uncontrollably as you dig into your little treasure trove in the half light. Pure Christmas magic. Comparatively, as an adult, the closest thrill on Christmas morning is downing seven espressos to combat your hangover and viciously shaking as if you€™re being zapped with a cattle prod.

Chris James Peet says hello. His interests include hoping for the best and sitting in chairs. He much prefers moaning to counting his blessings and suffers fools gladly. He also likes to look out of the window and check what's in the fridge but he hates standing up, dripping taps and reality.