15 Things People Who Aren't Big Drinkers Will Understand

3. It Would Be Nice If People Stopped Calling You Boring

There are people who just don't understand why you don't have a glass of wine after work and go out on the weekends and unfortunately, to them, this is boring. Therefore, you are a boring person because you'd rather stay soberish and do something else that doesn't involve alcohol. If your group of friends or your family think that a pub crawl on a Saturday afternoon is their idea of perfection, it's going to cause some heated debates along the way when you admit that you've had enough of the bar scene. You find it annoying when people push you to drink or even put alcohol into your juice when you haven't noticed - you just don't get why someone can't leave you alone.
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Lover of Tolkien's world, Harry Potter and baked goods. A camel once put his head on my shoulder and it was the best day ever. sara@whatculture.com