15 Things You Will Never Hear Anyone Say Again

12. You'll Stay After Class And Clean The Blackboard

Before the days of interactive boards, there were blackboards. In fact, is it even PC to call them blackboards anymore? Sorry, rainbow boards were the necessary addition in every classroom and in every school across the globe. No sound sent shivers down your spine like the sound of your teacher writing in chalk at 9am every morning. So if you were ever naughty, your punishment or form of detention was to write lines on the blackboard and then wipe them off when you were finished, much to the delight and pleasure of the teacher who loved watching your face when forcing you to erase an hour's work. They would often leave you with "if you waste my time, I'll waste yours."
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Lover of Tolkien's world, Harry Potter and baked goods. A camel once put his head on my shoulder and it was the best day ever. sara@whatculture.com