15 Things That Will Happen If You Get Into Pole Dancing

8. You'll Indulge In Sweets And Chocolates

21 Train Pole Dance Spill

Nom, nom nom!!

You'll fall so far off of the diet and exercise bandwagon that it'll practically look like there's no way you'll ever return from the dark side. Cadbury and Nestle should thank you for ruining your diet because they've never seen such an increase in sales before.

Alright, alright, I'm exaggerating - but you know the feeling. That incredible feeling of giving up and just binging like you haven't had food (or sweets) in years. Your poor depraved body (...?) then goes into overdrive and before you know it, you've polished down an entire can of whipped cream, chocolate cake and washed them down with a 2Lt bottle of Coca Cola.


"Don't take life too seriously. No one gets out alive anyway." Twitter: @GrungyUnicorn Instagram: https://instagram.com/mlgabriel22/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/mlgabrielwriting