15 Weirdest Necks You Will Ever See

Because when we launched the 'Offbeat' section, we thought we knew what we were getting ourselves into...

So... "offbeat" huh? How about we talk about necks? It doesn't really get much more offbeat than that. Well, not unless you're a neurologist or an orthopaedic doctor, but that's digressing. Necks are often seen as being one of the sexiest parts of the human body. They're erogenous areas that are sensitive to the touch and some people find them sexually attractive. The neck, clavicle area and the back of the neck are there to be kissed and caressed and, if you're a guest on Jeremy Kyle, sucked until a massive unsightly bruise-like love bite appears. But there are some people with necks that freakin' Dracula wouldn't bite, even if they were presented to him on a coffin-shaped plate in a comfy dark room after a blood-free period of Lent came to a close. Some necks are just outright weird. They come in all kinds of strange shapes and sizes and can just be generally unsightly in all manner of ways and those are the types that we're going to be taking a look at here. Without involving deformities or medical conditions or any other potentially sensitive subjects, here are fifteen of the weirdest necks you are ever likely to see...

15. The Stitched Tattoo Neck

This self-imposed weird neck is just plain ghastly. Why would you do it yourself?

14. The Chewbacca Neck

Most men have some hair on their necks. But when there's more on the back of your neck than on the top of your head, there's an issue that needs addressing.

13. The Mini-Mane Neck

Part human, part horse.

I'm a Tottenham Hotspur fan who loves comics and comic book movies.