16 Christmas Gifts For The Science Nerd In Your Life

15. Bioluminescent Dino Pet

If you're the kind of person that can't keep a pot plant alive, then perhaps some plankton is more your speed. This isn't just any old plankton though, this is plankton in the form of a glowing dinosaur. Far cooler than a pot plant. The cute, dinosaur-shaped tank is filled with a type of bioluminescent plankton called dinoflaggelates (get it?) that react luminously to movement. Just leave your Dino somewhere with plenty of natural light during the day to charge the little fellas up, and then, come night time you'll have a super awesome nightlight-come-pet to interact with. The Bioluminescent Dino Pet has rave reviews from happy customers, and you can pick one up here.
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Writer. Raconteur. Gardeners' World Enthusiast.