16 Weird Celebrity Phobias They Never Wanted You To Know

2. Billy Bob Thornton - Antiques

Panophobia: The fear of antique furniture. Billy Bob Thornton is a pretty weird guy anyway, let's not forget when he let Angelina take a vial of his blood because it was romantic in their odd-ball world. But he's also absolutely terrified of antiques, especially silverware and old furniture - especially if it's not functional, for some reason.

"My phobias have been greatly exaggerated. I don€™t mind a chair. I can go as far back as you want with Asia or Mexico. It€™s that French/English/Scottish old mildewy stuff. Old dusty heavy drapes and big tables with lions€™ heads carved in it. Stuff that kings were around."

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Lover of Tolkien's world, Harry Potter and baked goods. A camel once put his head on my shoulder and it was the best day ever. sara@whatculture.com