17 Bizarre Body Modifications You Won't Believe Exist

3. Tentacle Implants

Having implants under the skin is already a rather unusual feature, but this Brazilian man went for a particularly strange theme. These implants are designed to be shaped like the suction cups seen on an octopus, although we can only assume (and pray) that they aren't functional.

2. Third Breast

Jasmine Tridevil has been popping up in hte news lately, thanks to her decision to have a surgically implanted third breast. Tridevil claims that she made the decision not for fame, but to make herself unattractive to the opposite sex. Apparently wearing skimpy outfits (while making sure a huge number of photos and videos of herself are on the internet) is her chosen method for this.

1. Brain Piercing

According to several blogs and forum entries, brain piercings are the next step in body modification. Many have claimed that it's possible to pierce the outer skull in order to push the piercings into key areas of the brain and cause constant feelings of euphoria. Not only is this highly dangerous, but also scientifically inaccurate. Have you got any of the body modifications on this list? Are there any other forms of modification that we missed out? Let us know in the comments below!
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