17 Brits In America That Are Totally Nailing It Right Now

4. Andrew Garfield Meaning A Brit Is Spider-Man

MarvelMarvelSure he was born in L.A. but that accent is as British as a buttered crumpet thanks to being raised over here, plus the dude just IS SPIDER-MAN. That's like nailing every possible thing. At once. Simultaneously. And Emma Stone. Jealous much?

3. Adele Looking Set To Dominate Everything Again

GiphyGiphyFrom Bond theme songs to guest collaborations on other albums and the incredibly hyped-over followup to her career-defining 13, Adele is living the high life at the minute, although time will tell if she can deliver the goods another time.

2. One Direction Being One Of The Best Boy Bands Ever

YoutubeYoutubeSadly it seems everyone the world over just can't enough of a gang of mini-Biebers, and regardless of how much their saccharine-sweet tunes may make you want to leap out the nearest window, "1D" (urgh, we know) are actually one of the most successful bands of the last decade.

1. Henry Cavill Being The Ultimate Human

Warner Bros.Warner Bros.Come on, it's the goddamn Superman! With the only opposition on the horizon being the hefty presence of Ben Affleck's chin, we're pretty sure Henry 'I've got arms bigger than your legs' Cavill is going to continue kicking ass in the States. Any particularly celebratory Brits we've missed out? Let us know in the comments who your favourites are!
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