17 Disneyland Secrets They Don't Know Want You To Know‏

2. They Don't Let You Win Anything

Amsterdam Fun Fair Carnival Game

Besides all their innovations in ride technology, manipulation of people's perceptions of time and super-quick photos, theme parks still lean on some pretty old attractions to really bring in the punters and fleece them for everything they have.

Any amusement park worth its salt will include swathes of carnival-style games for you to waste even more of your hard-earned cash on, and they'll be just as rigged as your average fair that swings through town, nets everybody's loose change, and scrapers before you realise that the hoops you're throwing over the bottles are actually not big enough to fit over the targets that would theoretically get you that giant stuffed bear.

This isn't just hearsay, by the way, it's something that the owner of Thorpe Park got done for last year, and it's pretty much the standard across the industry - so Disneyland deffo trades in it too. Workers at the park were accused of distracting customers in order to mess up their game, using wax to increase friction on surfaces of games, and even the time honoured tradition of gluing cans in place so they can't be knocked down.

It's one of the oldest scams in the book but when you go to a reputable place like a theme park, you kinda expect not to be suckered in by such dirty tricks. Which, in a way, is even more manipulative than when it happens at a temporary fair-type-thing; you expect it there, but not at a theme park. Which makes the ultimate trick even more messed up.


Tom Baker is the Comics Editor at WhatCulture! He's heard all the Doctor Who jokes, but not many about Randall and Hopkirk. He also blogs at http://communibearsilostate.wordpress.com/