17 Most Embarrassing Celebrity Moments Of All Time

9. Justin Bieber Throwing Up On Stage

There is a time and place for being ill, but when you have to throw up when you're on stage in front of thousands of people, the only respectable thing to do is to just turn around and heave your guts up. Forget about running backstage, this is something that your fans have paid for, right? In 2012, Justin Bieber was performing in Phoenix on the opening night of his lengthy tour, so it wasn't the most convenient time for him to throw up. Unable to make it back stage, he threw up on stage whilst performing 'Out Of Town Girl' and then again during 'Beauty And The Beat'. Fair play to him though because he carried on with the rest of the night, but was it really bad milk like he claimed, or was it butterflies?
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Lover of Tolkien's world, Harry Potter and baked goods. A camel once put his head on my shoulder and it was the best day ever. sara@whatculture.com