17 Problems Only People Training For The London Marathon Will Understand

9. Cutting Back On Alcohol, Or Going Teetotal Completely

A wise man once said: 'To alcohol, the cause of, and solution to, all of life's problems!' Whoever that guy was, he was either a prophet or a cartoon dunce, I'm not quite sure.

Sadly alcohol doesn't solve exactly how you're going to finish 26 miles.

8. Every Inch Of Your Skin Is On Fire Thanks To Chafing

Savlon quickly becomes your best friend during marathon training €” I'm not used to identifying with Gollum, but a long run makes me feel sympathy for the poor guy: 'It burns! It burns us!'

Tom, simple country boy, scarily close to his 30th birthday. A juxtaposition of sporty and active alpha male with TV and gaming nerd. Newcastle United fan who lives a LONG way away from Newcastle.