17 Problems Only People Training For The London Marathon Will Understand

3. Getting Motivated For Training Sessions

Skipping a training run to stay home to watch TV and eat Doritos is tempting enough in the summer months, but during a bitterly cold, inevitably wet British winter, it seems like the mortal equivalent of dining in the halls of Valhalla.

Getting off the sofa is not the only motivational issue either...

2. Staying Motivated For Training Sessions

Marathon training is like giving up smoking; it starts off really well but your willpower quickly fails you and before you know it, you're a quivering mess who is out of breath after a short flight of stairs.


Tom, simple country boy, scarily close to his 30th birthday. A juxtaposition of sporty and active alpha male with TV and gaming nerd. Newcastle United fan who lives a LONG way away from Newcastle.