17 Problems Only People Who Do Yoga Will Understand

1. When You Accidently Let One Rip

If you haven€™t farted yet, you€™re not doing it right. Simply think of it as opening up your chakras; your anus blossoming with all the energy. Sometimes it's harder using every muscle in our bodies holding in farts for an hour than it is to actually do the moves. C'mon, the Happy Baby pose was just designed to let the beans out, wasn't it? Actually, that one wasn't, but the ancient Yogis did design a pose purposely for wind relief, called Pavanamuktasana, to empty the bowels before practicing. In every single yoga class around the world, at least one student drops a bomb. And that's the beauty of yoga - a place to fart among friends. So remember, let out your farts, and Namaste. Any more amusing Yogi problems you've come across, bendy beans? Share your experiences in the comments below!
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