18 Most Inspirational Videos Of 2013

13. A Pitbull Was Shown That She Was worthy Of Being Loved

Yet another heartwarming tale of animal rescue. This pup was in bad shape, having been used in dog fighting, and had no reason to trust humans. With a lot of care and love, she got another chance at living the life she deserves.

12. This Dog Defied All Odds By Surviving An EF5 Tornado

Natural disasters can ruin so many things, and though this poor woman thought she had lost everything in the Moore, OK tornado, she quickly discovered, with devastatingly affecting results, that miracles can happen.

Jamie has many interests, including movies, TV, video games, reading, music, celebrity gossip, and technology. She is a wife, mother, and former nurse; she quit in order to spend more time with family and explore her passion for writing.