18 Joe Rogan Experience Podcasts You Must Listen From 2019

2. 1255 - Alex Jones Returns!

Although it seemed like there was a considerable amount of beef between the two, it was good to see Rogan and former semi-regular guest, Alex Jones, patch things up and move past their recent difficulties. What could've been an extremely awkward situation , quickly became one of the funniest episodes of the year.

Someone like Jones, who is a huge conspiracy theorist, can come across as quite boisterous and, in some cases, crazier than anyone Rogan has had on the show. However, beneath the shouting and screaming is a man who actually isn't lying or making things up all the time. In fact, you'd actually be quite disturbed at some of the things that are truthful. You can click here, if you want to get into some pretty shocking details about the episode.

It's extremely easy to dismiss him, especially after his strong denials over the Sandy Hook shooting. However, after this episode, it might become a little harder to not look deeper into the things he says.

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Co-host of The Ill-Informed Podcast, jiu-jitsu fiend, MMA lover, movie fan, anime nerd, music snob.