18 Most Powerful Disney Villains Of All Time

15. Cruella De Vil

Film: 101 Dalmatians With a name like that, you can bet that she's not going to be an angel. A self obsessed fashionista who wants everything to be as real and as expensive as possible, so naturally, when the coat that you want to wear hasn't been made yet, the only viable option is to steal some puppies, skin them, and make it yourself. Whilst Cruella is definitely one of Disney's most popular villains, it's probably because she targeted puppies. Everyone has a soft spot for young, cute and vulnerable animals which makes her so despicable. Luckily, she is caught before the bashing on the heads can take place because if she wasn't, 101 Dalmatians would have gotten very dark, very quickly. Power Rating: Her psychotic desire to possess fashion by any means possible puts her above Hans and Hook in the power rating as she's targeting vulnerable puppies and breaking up a family to get what she wants. She has other fur jackets made out of animals which she has stolen and skinned in the past, so she has been successful in her villainy.
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Lover of Tolkien's world, Harry Potter and baked goods. A camel once put his head on my shoulder and it was the best day ever. sara@whatculture.com