18 Problems All WHSmith Employees Will Understand

5. You Always Work Alongside Someone Who's Worked At Smith's Their Whole Lives

And by god, if you ever needed inspiration to leave a job, this is it. Think 65 year old woman working part time because her arthritis is getting quite bad who won't stop telling you about the youths of today and how terrible society has become since she was 17. This individual will have seen WH Smiths through the last five or six decades, and uses this as leverage to try and tell you you've got absolutely no clue as to what you're doing with your life. She asks you questions like 'Why did you put all the mole skin diaries in the wrong section?' and 'You know those biros don't belong in the Sharpie section, go and move them straight away' You know it's just experience that makes her the way she is, but you still harbour dark thoughts about trying to get her fired. You wait impatiently for the day she retires, and stay out out of her way in the mean time.
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WH Smiths
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I love Stephen King and music festivals; I eat my toast upside down; I daydream about getting married probably a bit too much; and I wish every day for a pet sausage dog puppy (who never materialises – sob).