18 Problems All WHSmith Employees Will Understand

3. Christmas Temps Are The WHSmith Slaves

While being hired as a Christmas temp seems like a good idea at the time, it actually means long hours, being on your feet all day, and basically doing all the crap work. Like repricing children's books and having to designate between the fifty different promo stickers in front of you. Or restickering hundreds of copies of Jo Brand's autobiography because she's promoting it before Christmas. Or having to walk around the store with a basket full of Christmas fare offering it to frazzled customers who are angry and queueing and have no time for pleas of "Please buy these candy canes, five for a pound, perfect for your christmas tree" Poor temps; we've all been there, and yet we still make them do all the work we don't want to while we rule over them like kings from our high stools at the tills.
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WH Smiths
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I love Stephen King and music festivals; I eat my toast upside down; I daydream about getting married probably a bit too much; and I wish every day for a pet sausage dog puppy (who never materialises – sob).