18 Problems All WHSmith Employees Will Understand

1. There Are A Lot Of Mums With Prams

And toddlers, and babies, and screaming infants. All blocking up the kids aisle, where Hungry Caterpillar books and The Tiger Who Came To Tea books and Where The Wild Things Are books lay heaped across the carpet, only to be run over by pushchairs and stamped on by toddlers having tantrums and swept out the way by angry impatient parents who just want to buy a kids book and get the hell out of there. The day is filled with the whining voices of children, the music playing incessantly from musical toys, the shaking of boxes and the breaking of pieces as these unruly tiny people play havoc with all that's on offer for them. You literally have to restrain yourself from resigning due to a massive headache from all the noise. And guess who's got to clean that aisle up at the end of the day? Yup, you, that's who. Unless it's the festive period and you can go send one of the Christmas temps to sort it out.
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WH Smiths
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I love Stephen King and music festivals; I eat my toast upside down; I daydream about getting married probably a bit too much; and I wish every day for a pet sausage dog puppy (who never materialises – sob).