18 Things All Harry Potter Fans Know To Be True

3. The Films Cut Out Some Very Important Points

Okay, so the majority of fans can agree that keeping S.P.E.W out of the Goblet Of Fire wasn't the worst decision in the world and although it was essential to Hermione's story and character development, everyone already knew that she is a nice person. But the films cut out so many storylines that would have made the actual plot of the film run a bit smoother. Take Remus and Tonks for example. When she goes to announce her pregnancy, Mad Eye cuts her off before she can finish and we don't even learn about Teddy until Remus returns to Harry in the Forbidden Forest. Even Tonks and Remus' relationship is only ever hinted at so if you haven't read the book, news of their son would come as a bit of a shock. It would also have been nice to have seen Ron and Hermione's relationship develop a bit more than just a spontaneous kiss in the Chamber of Secrets which sealed their status as boyfriend and girlfriend. Where was the romance?
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Lover of Tolkien's world, Harry Potter and baked goods. A camel once put his head on my shoulder and it was the best day ever. sara@whatculture.com