18 Things All Harry Potter Fans Know To Be True

15. You're Angry With 'Fans' Who Have Only Watched The Films

This one applies to all franchises that have been adapted into films because you just cannot understand why someone can call themselves a true, diehard fan of a series when they haven't even read the books. Everyone knows that the books are always better than the films and you learn a lot more than the film's have the room to reveal. However, it's always going to be frustrating seeing one of your favourite books adapted and changed for the big screen because when you read something, your imagination is always very different to the film director's. The books are the heart and soul of the franchise and they provide such intricate details about the characters that the films just don't have time to show you.
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Harry Potter
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Lover of Tolkien's world, Harry Potter and baked goods. A camel once put his head on my shoulder and it was the best day ever. sara@whatculture.com