18 Things All Harry Potter Fans Know To Be True

10. You'll Probably Never Buy A Book At Midnight Again

The midnight book releases were the highlight of your childhood, well, if your parents let you stay out that late. Most of our parents didn't understand the whole 'Harry Potter thing' and couldn't grasp why you needed it at midnight. Unfortunately, your vocabulary wasn't as advanced back then and they sometimes didn't accept 'because it's Harry Potter' as a legitimate reason. But waiting up in line with your friends and all of the other Potterheads, many of whom had dressed up as their favourite character, felt like magic. There was such excitement in the air and it felt like Christmas Eve waiting for the clock to strike twelve. Half of the challenge was reading the book during the night so no one told you any spoilers the next day.
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Lover of Tolkien's world, Harry Potter and baked goods. A camel once put his head on my shoulder and it was the best day ever. sara@whatculture.com