18 Things Only New Puppy Owners Will Understand

1. You Eventually Have To Leave Them To Their Own Devices

Puppy Dog Eyes Gif After everything is said and done, you'll have trained your puppy to be a fun, sensible and trusted member of the family. But life goes on and you have work, birthdays, weddings and days out. The hardest part is saying goodbye to them as you leave the house, knowing full well that their entire day is spent waiting for you to come home. It's a sad image; they're lonely and want you to give them hugs to cheer them up. But please don't despair because your return is a special moment - they will be ridiculously excited to see you, be around you and give you plenty of love to boot. It makes all the hard work and graft worth it. They're yours and they're here to stay, through thick and thin. What other problems do puppies cause? Let us know in the comments!
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