18 Things That Will Happen If You Visit Scotland

2. You'll Become Addicted To Irn Bru

Irn Bru is one of the most difficult things to describe in terms of how it tastes, but it just tastes beautiful. You don't even care about the calories that you're drinking and are going straight to your behind, because it's so worth it. This Scottish soft drink is something that will not in short demand during your visit and if you are buying it for someone, make sure it's not the sugar free version. Presenting a sugar free version to a Scot is pretty much blasphemy. People drink this more than they do water and if you're not a fan of it upon your arrival, it'll convert you before you leave. You'll probably pretend to like it for the social acceptance of the locals more than anything.
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Lover of Tolkien's world, Harry Potter and baked goods. A camel once put his head on my shoulder and it was the best day ever. sara@whatculture.com