18 Things We All Should Do (But Don't Because 'It's Weird')

6. Avoid Clichés And Say Something Original

Clichés are horrible. They give us the perfect excuse not to express what we€™re actually feeling but instead hide behind a socially polite expression that doesn€™t really mean anything. If someone asks us if we€™ve had a nice day we reply that we€™ve €œhad worse€, when what we should say is €œwhile this isn€™t the worst day of my entire life it€™s still been absolutely terrible in every imaginable way.€ For useful though clichés may seem, it€™s actually far more annoying to have someone dance around the issue rather than just tell us straight. For example, when we€™re going through a break up and our best friend tells us €œthere€™s plenty more fish in the sea€, wouldn€™t we rather hear €œforget about him/her - you can do better€? Exactly. So let€™s stop beating around the bush (cliché alert, dammit!) and tell it like it is.
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Feature and fiction writer based in the north of England.