19 Problems Only People Who Grew Up With A Babyface Will Understand

16. "Is That Your ?"

You're with the family at a gathering with fellow members, extended relations and friends - a lot of these are people that either you've never met, or whom have never met your family. Your youthful face confuses them. As you stand with your mother, her friend approaches, eyeballs you and says to your mother "Aww, is this your little grandson?" Unfortunately for you, your mother being 50 and you being 18 makes that very unlikely (although not impossible), but "mother's friend", being the glorious lady that she is, thought you were about 9 and both you and your mother feel insulted and embarrassed - while her friend wishes she'd kept her mouth shut.

15. The Nicknames

"Junior", "Kid", "Bum Fluff" and, of course, "Babyface". Just some of the "imaginative" nicknames you might have been given for being the unfortunate kid who looked like you belonged a few years/grades below the one you were actually in. You just have to hope and prey that the names don't last into adulthood. "Dad, why are you called 'Bum Fluff'?"

14. Being Given The Kids' Menu... When You're 16

So, you're 16 (or any age around 16 whereby you're too old to be eating alphabetty-spaghetti) and you're out for a family meal in a nice restaurant. You can't wait to get your teeth tucked in to a nice juicy sirloin steak, but alas, the waitress hands you the kids' menu with an irritating smile. Your face goes as red as the ketchup, you want to pour whatever liquid is nearby all over her and you're dying to shout something as blue as the almost uncooked meat that you want to devour (but instead you feel obliged to order the fish fingers).
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I'm a Tottenham Hotspur fan who loves comics and comic book movies.